We are an

inner healing

& social justice


We’re holding community discussion circles and collaborative programming, which we are growing slowly and deliberately.

Our approach is interconnected •

Our approach is interconnected •

Inner healing and social change are deeply integrated —but rarely approached as such. We also center the intersectionality of people, communities, and social causes themselves. This makes all the difference.

If you’re interested in having meaningful dialogue around inner work and social justice, sign up below.

More about our philosophy

We’re going through a collective trauma, both as individuals and as a society. Everyday we face inequities that are deeply structural, the product of the oppressive systems of white supremacy, hetero-patriarchy, colonialism and capitalism. Without a way to channel empathy into action, the problem of experiencing and witnessing constant systemic injustices is overwhelming and isolating, leaving many feeling detached and hopeless. By recognizing the interconnectedness of people’s internal and external worlds, we aim to heal the multiple layers of trauma our society is undergoing.


  • Empact works at the crossroads of the need for inner healing and the need for social change. We are addressing the overarching problem of individual and collective trauma. We’re going about this by serving as a connector—between people, opportunities in the social justice space, and other resources.

    We are collaborative and prioritize softness as a super power.

  • At this time, we are fostering meaningful dialogue around inner work and social justice through community discussion circles and events, both in-person and online. We approach conversations from a place of understanding and deep listening, leading to collective responsibility for each other and our humanity.

    Celebrating and protecting our gentle differences is our foundation. This is just the beginning.

  • We’re holding community circles, which we are growing slowly and deliberately. Sign up for emails to get updates about future events you can join.

    Interested in events and programming for your nonprofit or business? Drop us a line at hello@empact.community.

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